BATNA24 - is a European leader in the trade of network equipment, existing since 2001. BATNA24 is the main distributor in Europe of the Ubiquiti and Mikrotik brands. The company's permanent offer also includes products of renowned companies such as: Extralink, Totolink, TP-Link, RF-Elements, Teltonika, Cisco, Cambium and Xiaomi.

BATNA24 has had almost 20 years of success in winning new markets and establishing long-term relationships with customers. Another important step for the company was to initiate a brand refresh in 2019. The rebranding changes included not only the shortening of the name and the creation of a new visual identity, but also the creation of a modern and pro-client online service at

BATNA24's online store perfectly illustrates the evolution of the company's focus on customer satisfaction. In addition to its convenience and speed, it is distinguished by a brand-new b2b and b2c zoning, making it possible to provide the best selection of networking equipment to both retail and business customers, based on easier navigation and faster ordering.

BATNA stands for “Best alternative to a negotiated agreement,” which in negotiation theory means the course of action that guarantees the best realization of the interests of the negotiating party. Experience resulting from twenty years of market presence, constant expansion of the offer, creation of a unique line of Extralink fiber optic cables, and most importantly, constant attention to customer satisfaction make BATNA24 the best choice when it comes to purchasing network equipment.