June 30, 2023

IFA TECH TALK #16 ' Rag?p Balc?o?lu, Chief Commercial Officer, Europe at Ar'elik

Trade talk, News, Podcasts
IFA TECH TALK #16 ' Rag?p Balc?o?lu, Chief Commercial Officer, Europe at Ar'elik

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00:00 ➡️ 00:45: Introduction
00:45 ➡️ 02:50: Industry news
02:50  ➡️ 15:40: Exclusive interview with Ragıp Balcıoğlu, Chief Commercial Officer, Europe
15:40 ➡️ 16:31: Industry news

This episode features: 

Ragıp Balcıoğlu, Chief Commercial Officer — Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Americas: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ragip-balcioglu/?originalSubdomain=tr

Valuable resources

Arçelik: https://www.arcelikglobal.com/en/

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