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New rules on energy ratings and efficiency are set to transform the industry from March this year
The changes will affect some TV manufacturers selling 8K and higher resolution, as their efficiency class could be outside the limits of what is allowed, according to IFA organiser gfu. Existing exceptions for displays based on MicroLEDs and the particularly high-resolution 8k displays are no longer applicable, as is a bonus rule when evaluating OLED displays.
All displays with a higher resolution will now be treated equally, gfu reports While this is not a KO criterion for the vast majority of 4k displays, the application of the new index for the latest display types is proof of the industry's forward sustainable thinking. Although TV screens with a resolution higher than 4k are currently more of a niche existence, they also represent the further development of screen technology, according to the gfu's findings.
And there is no need to panic. Current products and those that will be launched this year will meet the requirements of the energy rating label in most cases. In addition, TV sets that no longer meet the new efficiency criteria but that are delivered to retailers before March 1 can continue to be sold.
Dr Sara Warneke, Managing Director of the industry organisation gfu Consumer & Home Electronics, comments: “Sustainable thinking is firmly anchored among manufacturers of consumer electronics. However, the increase in quality and experience for consumers is also a priority. Technologies that require more energy, such as HDR or the increasing demands on image resolution, were hardly taken into account when setting the efficiency guidelines, instead a continuously decreasing energy consumption was postulated, as was achieved a few years ago when the LCD backlight was switched to LED, but such Technological leaps don't happen all the time.”
“If specifications mean that technological progress in the interests of consumers cannot take place, then these specifications should definitely be adapted to reality.”
When the EU introduced a revised energy rating label for some electrical household appliances as well as TV sets and PC monitors in March 2021, it was positively viewed.
The previously rather confusing energy ratings labelling with letters followed by up to three plus signs gave way to clearer categories: only the letters A to G indicate the efficiency class. And the label provides additional information, such as energy consumption over a defined period of time or a certain number of uses. The goal of creating an even stronger incentive for manufacturers to make their helpers and entertainers in the household even more energy-efficient was clear. And indeed there has been progress, according to the gfu. For example, last year half of the sales of washing machines were achieved with appliances in efficiency class A, ie the best classification of energy rating.
While TV sets are moving in the right direction, there is still some ground to cover in order for them to be classified in this highest class. At best, they are in the energy rating class E, and the increasingly popular OLED TVs are mostly in the last classification G, with a few exceptions with an F label.