March 7, 2023

The world's top 16 photography companies

Imaging, News

A list of the world's 16 largest photography companies, including well-known camera-makers and stock photo library firms

According to Zion Market Research, the roster of top photography companies that have taken a share in a global market valued at $105.2 billion in 2020 includes not only well-established camera manufacturers, but photography service providers and online stock photo suppliers as well.  

With the value of the photography market expected to grow to $149.4 billion by the end of 2028, it is not surprising that many large global companies -apart from long-standing camera makers- are looking to build their stake in the market. Sony, for example, whose revenues of $8.44 billion in 2021, took first place on the list of top companies. The other lead three positions were filled by Canon with its 5.11 billion in revenues, and, in third position, Fujifilm, with $1.71 billion.

Top photography companies in the world (Photo: Unsplash)

Perhaps more surprising inclusions on the list are, in fourth place, Lifetouch, a provider of photography services with revenues of $1.5 billion, and, in eight and ninth places, image library firms Getty Images ($0.91 billion) and Shutterstock ($0.77 billion).

Another unexpected result in the ranking is Nikon, coming in only at the fifth position on the list with $1.16 billion in revenues while traditional camera brands Leica, Polaroid and Ricoh are even further down on the list.

The global photography market, continuously focused on innovation and developing new technologies, is anticipated to grow to $149.4 billion by 2028, which would reflect a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% from 2021 to 2028, the market research firm says. Based on its findings, the industry's outlook for the next few years is favourable.