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Treedom stand is in the Sustainability Village (Hall 2.2 / Stand 409) where they you can find a living nursery of house plants and can collect a free gift. It includes a Treecode which allows visitors to receive a vitrual tree sponsoring in one of Treedom's many projects around the world.
Once a tree has been redeemed and planted, the redeemer will receive a photograph and geolocation of the tree wherever it is in the world. They will also receive updates about the project and the impact it is having on the environment and the local community.
Fondi: "We work with NGOs and local communities to select the right tree for the right place and the right purpose."
IFA's 5,000 trees, of which there are several different species, are being planted in Cameroon, Colombia, Kenya, and Madagascar.
Since Treedom was founded in 2010, it has planted over 3.5 million trees worldwide, with many more to come. Martina Fondi, Partner and Head of Forestry, said: "We are excited to have IFA join us on our journey to plant at least 10 million trees by 2025. Every individual has the power to act against the climate and biodiversity crises that the world is facing. We hope to see you all at the Treedom Nursery at IFA 2023."
According to Treedom, the trees it plants benefit not only the environment but the people who live in it. "That's why we work with NGOs and local communities to select the right tree for the right place and the right purpose," said Fondi. "We think about the medium- and long-term, because we're not content with simply planting trees: we want to see them grow."
Hall 2.2 / Stand 409
[Main image courtesy of Arnaud Mesureur/Unsplash]